Learning from Science: How Oral-Systemic Collaborations Can Advance Research, Policy, and Health Outcomes

Laurie McCauley, DDS, MS, PhD; Preeti Malani, MD; Christopher Fox, DMD, DMSc;

April 2021 Course - Expires Tuesday, April 30th, 2024

Web Only


This conversation between senior dental and medical scientific thought leaders will focus on what we know, what we need to know, where science and policy interface, and why that intersection is important. The panelists will also comment on the importance of integration across all levels of research, the need for research to drive policy, how research informs practice and practice informs research, and other critical applications.

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COST: $0
PROVIDER: Dental Learning Systems, LLC
SOURCE: Santa Fe Group | April 2021

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify significant gaps in oral and systemic health research
  • Provide examples of effective integration of oral and systemic health research
  • Describe a pathway from basic, translational, and clinical science to implementation science that effectively incorporates oral health and disease in overall health


The author reports no conflicts of interest associated with this work.

Queries for the presenter may be directed to justin.romano@broadcastmed.com.